Human Resource management services

Pealar Consultants Ltd exists to partner with organizations in our offering of Human Resource management services.


Pealar Consultants Ltd

We offer solutions we have gained through experience, employment laws, and best practices in order to meet the client’s unique requirements.  We are committed in achieving the set solutions in a timely and cost-effective manner. We take the time to develop strong working relationships with our clients by understanding their business, their needs, and the company culture. 

Our Services

What we Provide…

Outsourced HR Manager

We have the capacity to conduct your entire duties of a human resource manager, review policies, providing changes on statutory changes and market intelligence as well as labor laws. We set up employee files, and ensure employees job contracts, job descriptions and all the necessary HR policies are in place and are up to date.

Training and Development

Our enthusiastic training and development programs are tailored towards employee skills and behavior and in turn, promote development, construct great team synergy, reduce employee turnover, improve morale, retain talent and diversity in the workplace. 


We believe that the best recruitment is not only about databases and technology but also about connecting people matching with the right skill job and getting the culture fit right. We also provide head hunting services. We manage the entire recruitment process including background checks.

Payroll Administration

We provide monthly payroll administration and distribution of payments to staff, i-tax returns, preparation of statutory schedules for submission for NHIF, NSSF, NITA and HELB. We also ensure that our clients are brought to speed with the changes in in employment taxes and how the changes would affect the organization.

Job Analysis and Evaluation

We help organizations meet their specific needs by clearly defining job responsibilities, job content, skills and competencies required to successfully perform the job and grading as well.

Performance Management

We help organizations achieve high performance by developing standards of performance, defining key performance areas (KRAs) and Key performance indicators (KPIs). We partner with clients to engage in an effective performance management program where regular performance evaluations are conducted.

“Believe you can and you're halfway there.” — Theodore Roosevelt

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